New Third Edition Reflects July 1 Permanent Regulations of Hydraulic Fracturing

We have prepared an update to the firm’s SB 4 Compliance Handbook to aid operators in their efforts to comply with SB 4 and its new permitting scheme. Senate Bill 4 (“SB 4”) regulates well stimulation treatments in California, including hydraulic fracturing and acid well stimulation. The law creates a permitting system, requires water testing and monitoring for surface and groundwater near the treatment site, and it places obligations on state agencies to study any environmental effects of well stimulation treatment. SB 4 requires the Division of Oil, Gas & Geothermal Resources (“DOGGR”) to finalize and implement permanent regulations, effective July 1, 2015.

The revised Third Edition reflects the requirements of the final regulations and provides details on the Water Board regulations for groundwater monitoring. The Handbook includes operator compliance obligations, disclosure requirements, neighbor notification requirements, and groundwater monitoring plan requirements.

To download a full-text PDF of the updated Handbook, please register here.